美国小学英语教材3:第118课 灰姑娘(2)(在线收听

   When the tired girl had finished her work, she often went to the fireplace and sat down there among the cinders. 疲劳的小女孩每天做完家务活儿之后就会来到壁炉旁,坐在煤渣中间。

  Because of this habit she was called Cinder-girl. 由于这一习惯,她常被称作煤渣姑娘。
  The younger of the two unkind sisters, who was not quite so rude as the older, called her Cinderella.  二姐没有大姐那么粗鲁,她管自己的妹妹叫灰姑娘。
  Even if Cinderella had only very poor clothes to wear, she was a hundred times more beautiful than either of her sisters. 虽然灰姑娘只穿着破旧的衣服,但她还是要比两个姐姐中的任何一个要好看百倍。
  Her mother knew this, and it made her very angry.  她的母亲也清楚这一令自己恼火的事。
  Now it happened that the king's son was going to give a ball, and Cinderella's two sisters were invited to it. 后来王子要举行一场舞会,灰姑娘的两个姐姐受邀参加。
  Of course they were delighted, and for the next few days they were busy choosing the dresses they were going to wear. 当然,她们非常开心,接下来的几天里,她们都忙着选自已要穿的衣服。
  All day long the selfish girls talked of nothing but how they would look when they went to the ball.  两个自私的姑娘整天讨论的就是她们在舞会上该穿成什么样子。
  I shall wear my red velvet dress with pearl trimmings, said the older. "It is the most beautiful of all my dresses." “我要穿我的红色绒裙,就是有珍珠镶边的那件,”大女儿说,“那是我所有裙子里最漂亮的一一件了。”
  And I, said the younger," shall wear my pink satin dress. “至于我,”二女儿说,“我要套上我粉色的绸缎裙子,
  I shall put on my lovely new cloak, too, and wear all my diamonds. I shall look very fine, indeed." 穿上可爱的新大衣,还要戴上所有的钻石。我会看起来很好看的。