美国小学英语教材3:第119课 灰姑娘(3)(在线收听

   Poor Cinderella now had to work harder than ever, taking care of her sisters' clothes. 可怜的灰姑娘现在要比以往更努力地干活儿了,她得打理姐姐们的衣服。

  She helped the two girls get ready for the ball in every way that she could, for she was always kind, even to her selfish sisters.  她尽自己的所能帮助两个姐姐为参加舞会作准备,她总是那么善良,即便是对两个自私的姐姐也一样。
  One day, when she was ironing their clothes, the younger sister said to her," Cinderella, would you like to go to the ball?" 一天,她正在熨姐姐们的衣服,二姐对她说:“灰姑娘,你想去参加舞会吗?”
  Oh! she answered, "a girl like me could not go to a ball!" “噢,像我这样的女孩子是不能去舞会的!”她回答道。
  You are right, said the other sister; "people would laugh to see a Cinder-girl at a ball." “你说的没错,大姐姐说,“在舞会上看到煤渣姑娘,人们会笑话的。”
  At last the happy evening came. 终于,这个让人开心的夜晚到来了。
  As Cinderella watched her two sisters drive off to the palace, she could not keep the tears from her eyes, at the thought that she could not go with them.  灰姑娘看着两个姐姐乘着车去了王宫,想到自己无法和她们一起去,眼泪止不住地流了下来。
  The Fairy Godmother 仙女教母
  Now Cinderella had a godmother who was a fairy. 灰姑娘有一个仙女教母。
  When the godmother saw the young girl in tears, she asked her what the trouble was.  教母看到小姑娘泪眼汪汪的样子,便问她出了什么事情。
  I wish I could — I wish I could — but Cinderella was crying so hard that she could not tell what made her unhappy.  “我希望我能够……我能够……灰姑娘哭得很厉害,根本说不出是什么让她不高兴。