美国小学英语教材4:第98课 弗兰德斯的狗(8)(在线收听


  A few years later, Jehan became so old that he could not go out with the cart any more. 过了几年,耶罕年纪大了,不能再跟着出去跑马车。
  Then little Nello took his grandfather's place beside the cart. 然后,小尼洛就坐在祖父的马车旁,
  He sold the milk and brought back the money to the owners with a pretty manner that charmed all who saw him. 小尼洛把牛奶卖了,把钱还给了牛奶的主人,看见他的人都被他那帅气的模样所吸引。
  The little boy was a beautiful child, with dark eyes and fair hair. 尼洛很英俊,有着一双黑色的眼睛和一头金发。
  Many an artist sketched the group as it went by—the green cart with the brass cans of milk, 许多美术家把他们画了下来——一辆拉着黄铜牛奶罐的绿马车走过,
  the great yellow-haired dog and the small figure that ran beside him, in wooden shoes. 一只大黄毛狗旁边跑着尼洛,穿着木鞋。
  Nello and Patrasche did the work so well and so joyfully together that Jehan Daas had no need to stir out. 尼洛和帕特拉斯基合作得很好,很愉快,所以杰汉·达斯没有必要出来干活。
  He could sit in the doorway in the sun, and watch the little boy and the dog go forth through the garden gate. 他可以坐在门口晒晒太阳,看着尼洛和帕特拉斯基出发穿过花园的大门。
  While they were gone, he would doze and dream, and pray a little; 当他们离开的时候,老人会打瞌睡,做梦,祈祷;
  and then he would awake again as the clock struck three, and watch for their return. 然后,当时钟敲三下的时候,他又会醒来,等他们回来。
  On their arrival at the hut, Patrasche would shake himself free of his harness with a bark of joy, 他们一到那间小屋,帕特拉斯基就会高兴地叫一声,把马具从身上挣脱出来,
  and Nello would tell with pride the doings of the day. 尼洛会自豪地讲着当天的事。
  Then they would all go in together to their meal of rye bread and milk or soup. 然后他们一起吃着黑麦面包,喝着牛奶或汤。
  After twilight the boy and the dog would lie down together to sleep peacefully, while the old man said a prayer. 黄昏过后,尼洛和帕特拉斯基一起躺下,安静地睡着,老人在祈祷。