美国语文第六册 第36期:早晨的清唱剧(2)(在线收听

   In the morning, at this time of year, on the contrary, we are overpowered by the vocal and multitudinous chorus of the feathered tribe. 与之形成鲜明对比的是,每年这个季节的清晨,我们都会被长着羽毛的族类那动听和多声部大合唱。

  If you would hear the commencement of this grand anthem of nature, you must rise at the very first appearance of dawn, 倘若你乍一听大自然这种气势恢宏的圣歌,在东方天际上空形成一道完整的半圆形光环之前,
  before the twilight has formed a complete semicircle above the eastern porch of heaven. 你必定会拂晓刚一崭露头角之际就闻歌起床。
  The first note that proceeds from the little warbling host, is the shrill chirp of the hairbird,—occasionally vocal at an hours on a warm summer night. 这个啼鸣的族类第一个音符就是梳妆鸟那尖锐刺耳的叫声,在温馨的夏日夜晚偶尔也会一连几个小时叫个不停。
  This strain, which is a continued trilling sound, is repeated with diminishing intervals, until it becomes almost incessant. 持续啼鸣所带来的音调张力,每隔一段时间就会渐渐减弱,几乎从不间断。
  But ere the hairbird has uttered many notes, a single robin begins to warble from a neighboring orchard, soon followed by others, 但是,在梳妆鸟发出许多音符之前,一只知更鸟开始从相邻的果园吱吱叫,其他鸟儿很快就加入这场大合唱,
  increasing in numbers until, by the time the eastern sky is flushed with crimson, every male, robin in the country round is singing with fervor. 数量不断增加,直到东方的天际映出深红色,这个国家每只雄性知更鸟都在热情地歌唱。
  It would be difficult to note the exact order in which the different birds successively begin their parts in this performance; 要想在不同种类的鸟儿相继在这场演出中开始加入自己的声部时分辨出确切的顺序,是一件相当困难的事情。
  but the bluebird, whose song is only a short, mellow warble, is heard nearly at the same time with the robin, 可是蓝知更鸟则不尽然,它的歌声只是一种短促而柔和的啼鸣,在别的知更鸟亮出歌喉的同时几乎听不到它的叫声,
  and the song sparrow joins them soon after with his brief but finely modulated strain. 而麻雀加入它们阵营后很快就形成简短但调整得非常完美的乐段。