美国语文第六册 第38期:早晨的清唱剧(4)(在线收听

   But at this later moment the purple martins have commenced their more melodious chattering, 但是过了一会儿,紫色雨燕便开始更悦耳动听地歌唱,

  so loud as to attract for a while the most of our attention. 声音高亢到足以引起我们最大程度的关注。
  There is not a sound in nature so cheering and animating as the song of the purple martin, and none so well calculated to drive away melancholy. 自然界里没有哪种雨燕的歌声如此欢快和容易模仿,没有谁听到这种美妙的歌声还能将忧愁挂在心上。
  Though not one of the earliest voices to be heard, the chorus is perceptibly more loud and effective when this bird has united with the choir. 尽管这不是我们听到的最早的声音,可是当这种鸟儿齐聚到一起放声合唱时,这一圣歌便更嘹亮和动人了。
  When the flush of the morning has brightened into vermilion, 当清晨的阳光变成朱红色时,
  and the place from which the sun is soon to emerge has attained a dazzling brilliancy, the robins are already less tuneful. 很快,在太阳升起的地方,光芒四射,正在歌唱的知更鸟停了下来。
  They are now becoming busy in collecting food for their morning repast, 它们现在正忙着寻找自己的早餐,
  and one by one they leave the trees, and may be seen hopping upon the tilled ground, 一只接只地离开树林。你能看到它们正在耕耘过的田地里来回跳跃,
  in quest of the worms and insects that have crept out during the night from their subterranean retreats. 寻找小虫和昆虫。到了晚上,它们会悄悄地藏起来。
  But as the robins grow silent, the bobolinks begin their vocal revelries; 然而,知更鸟刚一平静下来,食米鸟就开始狂欢了;
  and to a fanciful mind it might seem that the robins had gradually resigned their part in the performance to the bobolinks, 对充满幻想的人而言,仿佛知更鸟渐渐放弃它们在合唱团里担任的角色,让给了食米鸟。
  not one of which is heard until some of the former have concluded their songs. 不是一只而是很多知更鸟都停止了歌唱。