美国语文第六册 第65期:机智和才能(3)(在线收听

   Take them to court: talent feels its weight, tact finds its way; 另外,我们考察一下在法院里的情形。 才能可以让别人感受到一个人的影响力,而机智则可以让其尽情发挥影响力。

  talent commands, tact is obeyed; talent is honored with approbation, and tact is blessed by preferment. 才能居于指挥地位,而机智则会令别人服从;才能荣享赞扬,而机智则优先得到上天的恩赐;
  Place them in the senate: talent has the ear of the house, but tact wins its heart, and has its votes; 那么在参议院情形怎样呢?才能使议会能听到它希望了解的东西,而机智却能赢得它的芳心,获得大家的投票;
  talent is fit for employment, but tact is fitted for it. 才智适合就业,而机智则使就业的人游刃有余。
  It has a knack of slipping into place with a sweet silence and glibness of movement, as a billiard ball insinuates itself into the pocket. 机智具有一种悄无声息地占据有利位置,口齿伶俐地表达自己的想法的技巧,就像弹子球巧妙迂回落入袋中一样。
  It seems to know everything, without learning anything. 机智不需要掌握什么就能洞察一切。
  It has served an extemporary apprenticeship; it wants no drilling; it never ranks in the awkward squad; it has no left hand, no deaf ear, no blind side. 它需要一个练习不用事先准备,张嘴就说的见习期。它不需要刻苦钻研,在那些愚笨的人从来就不具备这种本领;它是信手拈来的,对周围的一切洞若观火。
  It puts on no look of wondrous wisdom, it has no air of profundity, 它没有令人惊叹的智慧那不屑一顾的傲慢,也没有深奥的外表,
  but plays with the details of place as dexterously as a well-taught hand flourishes over the keys of the pianoforte. 但是却敏捷地注意到所处环境的细微末梢之处,就像一只训练有素的手在钢琴键盘上跳舞一样。
  It has all the air of commonplace, and all the force and power of genius. 机智披着寻常的外衣,却胜过天才所有的力量和影响力。