英语听力精选进阶版 6547(在线收听

Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Helen.

Chen Li: 我是陈藜. 在 Real English 节目里,我们要学习新词语,短语和表达,那么我们今天要学的词是?

Helen: Today's new word is 'crash' – C.R.A.S.H. – crash.

Chen Li: Crash. 我知道这个词,意思是有事故发生,比如汽车冲撞,这个词可不那么幸运。

Helen: You are half right, crash is also often used in business, and it means to lose value or fail suddenly and quickly.

Chen Li: 我明白了,这个词也可以说在短时间内失去价值或资金,那么怎么使用这个词呢?

Helen: Well, it's a verb.

Chen Li: 这是一个动词

Helen: And a noun.

Chen Li: 也可以作为名词。

Helen: So you could say everyone lost a lot of money when the gold markets crashed in 1987.

Chen Li: 在这里 crash 是一个动词。

Helen: Or as a noun I could say 'there was a big crash on the stock market today'.

Chen Li: 在这里 crash 又作为了一个名词。

Helen: In both sentences, a lot of money was lost quickly and suddenly.


A: I hear Bill had to sell his sports car.

B: Yes. He had all his money in coffee. The market crashed and he lost almost everything.

Helen: The stock market crashed in 2002 when the technology bubble burst.

Chen Li: 我记得,当科技泡沫破灭,股市也很快下跌。

Helen: That's why I never gamble on the stock market.

Chen Li: Well, good for you. 今天我们体验了崩溃的意味,可以用作动词,和名词,在商业中,他指突然失去价值或者价格。

Helen: We are out of time again. You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. See you next time.

Chen Li: 下次节目见.
