向前一步:第152期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(10)(在线收听

   Many of these CEOs said they "could not have succeeded without the support of their husbands, 她们中很多人都说过,“要是没有丈夫的支持,

  helping with the children, the household chores, and showing a willingness to move." 比如帮着照顾孩子、处理家庭琐事以及为了我的事业而迁居等,我就不会成功”。
  Not surprisingly, a lack of spousal support can have the opposite effect on a career. 这并不奇怪,配偶的不支持态度会对事业产生负面影响。
  In a 2007 study of well-educated professional women who had left the paid workforce, 60 percent cited their husbands as a critical factor in their decision. 2007年的一项研究显示,教育背景良好并离开职场的女性中有60%的人认为自己的伴侣是让她们离开职场的关键因素。
  These women specifically listed their husbands' lack of participation in child care and other domestic tasks 她们列出的辞职原因包括:配偶很少照顾孩子,很少做家务,
  and the expectation that wives should be the ones to cut back on employment as reasons for quitting. 以及持有“应该减少在外工作量的是妻子”等这类普遍观念。
  No wonder when asked at a conference what men could do to help advance women's leadership, 也难怪,在一次会议中被问及男性做些什么才能帮助女性提高领导力时,
  Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter answered, "The laundry." 哈佛商学院教授罗莎贝斯·莫斯·坎特回答道:“洗衣服。”
  Tasks like laundry, food shopping, cleaning, and cooking are mundane and mandatory. 类似洗衣服、采购食物、打扫和做饭这些平凡琐事,是每个家庭都不得不去做的事,
  Typically, these tasks fall to women. 而且通常做这些事情的通常都是女人。
  In January 2012, I received a letter from Ruth Chang, a doctor with two young children who had seen my TEDTalk. 2012年1月,我收到了露丝·张的来信。曾看过我TED演讲的露丝是一位医生,也是两个孩子的母亲。
  She had been offered a new job overseeing seventy-five doctors in five medical clinics. 信里说她有机会得到一份管理五个诊所的工作,
  Her first instinct was to say no out of concern that she could not handle the expanded responsibility in addition to taking care of her family. 但她的第一反应是拒绝,因为她担心新工作会影响自己照顾家庭。