向前一步:第158期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(16)(在线收听

   Both men and women can be penalized at work for prioritizing family, but men may pay an even higher price. 不管是男性还是女性,把家庭放到第一位都会在工作上付出代价,但男性为此付出的代价会更大。

  When male employees take a leave of absence or just leave work early to care for a sick child, 当男员工休假一段时间或者只是早点下班回去照顾生病的孩子时,
  they can face negative consequences that range from being teased to receiving lower performance ratings to reducing their chance for a raise or promotion. 他们将面对负面的后果:他们会被人们取笑,得到更低的工作评价,升职机会也会减少。
  Fathers who want to drop out of the workforce entirely and devote themselves to child care can face extremely negative social pressure. 那些想完全退出职场去全心照顾孩子的男性也会感受到来自社会舆论的负面压力。
  Currently, fathers make up less than 4 percent of parents who work full-time inside the home, and many report that it can be very isolating. 普遍来看,美国的全职爸爸不到4%,他们当中很多人都认为做一个全职家长会被孤立。
  My friend Peter Noone spent several years as a stay-at-home father and found that while people claimed to respect his choice, 我的朋友彼得·卢恩当了好多年全职爸爸。虽然人们嘴上说尊重他的选择,
  he did not feel welcomed into the social circles in his neighborhood. 但他仍感觉自己在附近居民的社交圈里并不受欢迎:
  As a man at the playground or in the not-so-tactfully-named "Mommy and Me" classes, 在运动场或学校里“妈妈和我”的课程上,
  strangers viewed him with a certain amount of distrust. 其他人看他的目光里总带有某种程度的怀疑。
  The friendly and easy connections that the women made were not extended to him. 同时,女性之间友好轻松的关系圈也没对他伸出橄榄枝,
  Time and again, he was reminded that he was outside the norm. 他总是被人们提醒自己是违反社会惯例的。
  Gender-specific expectations remain self-fulfilling. 社会对不同性别的期望仍在很大程度上影响着男性和女性的未来。
  The belief that mothers are more committed to family than to work penalizes women because employers assume they won't live up to expectations of professional dedication. 人们相信,比起工作来,女性更容易对家庭投入。这种观念如同给女性开了张罚单,因为雇主们已经预设女员工无法达到预期的职场成就。