英语听力精选进阶版 6561(在线收听

John: Hello there. This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m John.

Feifei: 大家好,我是冯菲菲。在《地道英语》节目中,我们将学到一些现代英式英语的新词汇和新说法。

John: The English language is changing all the time, and Real English is your chance to hear the most up-to-date words and phrases that you probably won’t find in your dictionary.

Feifei: 那么今天的短语就是...

John: To lose your rag.

Feifei: 丢了一块儿布. That sounds easy. So this phrase is all about just losing a bit of cloth, a rag?

John: No. In this context, to lose your rag means to lose your temper, to become infuriated, to become angry!

Feifei: Ah, so that’s rather different. To lose your rag 这个短语不只是字面意思那么简单,其实是说发脾气,生气,losing your rag!

John: Here are a young couple who are both about to lose their rag!


A: Oh I’ve just about had enough of living in London, I can’t bear it!  

B: Ok, don’t lose your rag!

A: Do you mind? I’m not losing my rag, you are!

B: I’m not losing my rag, I’m just well angry.

A: There, I told you!

Feifei: 对话中的两夫妻其实都已经 lose their rag 了。妻子说她厌倦了伦敦的生活,在和丈夫谈论的过程中,两个人的说话方式都激怒了对方,以致于最后都 lose their rag!

John: I can’t imagine you ever lose your rag Feifei. You seem like a relaxed and cool kind of person.

Feifei: Well, I have been known to lose my rag from time to time, it has to be said.

John: You know, I never lose my rag.

Feifei: I don’t believe you!

John: If you don’t, I’ll lose my rag! Anyway, that’s all for today. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Look out for more Real English on our website bbcchina.com.cn.

Feifei: 我们今天的地道英语就到这里。

John: Bye for now.

Feifei: Bye!
