英语听力精选进阶版 6564(在线收听

Jo: Welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Jo.

Oliver: 大家好,我是Oliver。地道英语和大家一起学习现代英式英语中经常出现的流行词汇和实用表达。那 Jo 今天给我们带来的新词是什么呢?

Jo: Today's word is strop. S.T.R.O.P. Strop.

Oliver: Jo, strop 是什么意思呢?

Jo: Well I don't think I should tell you, I mean I can't believe you don't know what it means!

Oliver: 但是 Jo, 我们得让听节目的中国听众知道啊!

Jo: Oliver, I'm only joking. I was trying to show you what strop means!

Oliver: 哦好吧,那我就知道了 Jo,那我们来看看这个词儿 strop,表示你心情不好或是真的非常不高兴。我觉得中文的意思应该是闹别扭,或者跟谁都过不去的意思。

Jo: And there are different ways to use the word strop. You can say someone is having a strop. To have a strop.

Oliver: Just like you did Jo. You had a strop 你在闹别扭。

Jo: Or we might use it as an adjective and say stroppy. He's being a bit stroppy. She's really stroppy isn't she?

Oliver: Stroppy 是一个形容词,蛮横、刁蛮的意思。


A: I think you just turn left here.

B: It's not left – we've been driving around forever – can't you just read the map properly!?

A: All right. No need to have a strop!

Oliver: 好了,节目已经接近尾声了,你能不能别再和大家过不去了,好好跟大家说一声再见,好吗?

Jo: I think I can do that! Don't forget you can log onto our BBC Learning English website to learn more Real English words and expressions.

Oliver: 今天的节目就到这里,再见。

Jo: Bye.
