英语听力精选进阶版 6568(在线收听

John: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m John.

Helen: And I’m Helen.

John: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Helen: 地道英语和大家一起学习现代英式英语中经常出现的流行词汇和新鲜表达。那 John, 今天你给我们带来的新词是什么呢?

John: Today’s phrase is blading.

Helen: Blade 就是刀, blading 可以说是一种运动的缩写,其实说的就是滑旱冰。本来正式的说法是 rollerblading, 现在把前面的 roller 给去掉了,成了更简单的 blading.

John: If you’re going blading you’ll probably do it in a local park.

Helen: I see, 不过 blading 这个词的由来是什么呢? Why do we use this term John?

John: Well we say blading because rollerblading uses skates, which have only one continuous line of wheels under each boot, and that line of wheels looks like a blade. Blading.

Helen: 那让我们听个例子吧。


A:Oooh, what shall I do today?

B:What about going for a run?

A:No, don’t fancy it.

B:What about blading?

A:Yeah, I love blading!

Helen: Blading 滑旱冰。 But why don't we just say rollerblading John?

John: Well with words like these used by young people it’s common for them to be shortened.

Helen: 虽然一般人都称滑旱冰 rollerblading, 但是对年轻人来说 blading 听起来更时髦。而且像这样把运动名称简化的现象现在特别流行,特别酷。

John: Ok then, I’m off for a bit of rollerblading!

Helen: John, you are showing your age!

John: Oh yes, sorry, I’m off for a bit of blading!

Helen: 我看 John 可得当心点儿,别摔着了!

John: You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again next time.

Helen: 我们下次节目再会。

John: Bye!
