英语听力精选进阶版 6569(在线收听

Neil: Hi Helen, would you like to go shopping this afternoon? I'd like to blow some money!

Helen: Wow, Neil, that's an offer I can't refuse. I'd love to go shopping with you, but first we have to present the programme.

Neil: OK… Let’s tell the listeners about that expression – to blow some money.

Helen: 欢迎收听BBC 的地道英语, 我是 Helen.

Neil: And I'm Neil. In Real English we look at words and expressions you might not find in your dictionary. Today's expression is to blow money.

Helen: Blow 平时的意思是吹,比如吹风, 吹气。但是在这里它又有另外一个意思就是花很多很多钱。

Neil: Yes, if you blow money you spend a lot of it. There's also a sense of being wasteful.

Helen: Wasteful – 浪费。 如果一个人 'blow money' 吹钱,其实也就是说他花钱太浪费。

Neil: Someone who is very extravagant might blow money.

Helen: Extravagant – 奢侈。让我们听几个例子吧, Neil.


A: My credit card bill is huge this month.

B: Why’s that?

A: Well I blew 120 pounds on that new dress. It’s lovely, but I don’t even know when I can wear it!

C: My sister never has any money, even though she’s got a good job. She usually blows about 100 quid every Saturday on going out.

Helen: 在第一段对话中,这位女士告诉她的朋友,她花了不少钱买了一条新裙子。

Neil: And it was a bit of a waste of money.

Helen: 结果她都不知道自己有没有机会穿这条裙子,这不摆明了是浪费嘛!

Neil: And in the second example, the man’s sister blows money on going out.

Helen: 这位男士说他的妹妹每周都花100英镑出去玩,所以她存不了钱! 好了,我们再来复习一下,今天的新表达是:

Neil: To blow money.

Helen: 意思就是一次花很多钱,而且还是比较浪费的那种。

Neil: We’ve run out of time now – let’s get to the shops and blow some money.

Helen: Fantastic. 我们下期节目再见!
