英语听力精选进阶版 6579(在线收听

Jo: Welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Jo.

Lily: 大家好,我是杨莉。 在《地道英语》节目中,我们将学到很多现代英式英语中的新词汇和俗语。

Jo: Today we're looking at the word mug M.U.G. mug. If a person is a mug it means they are very easily deceived and a little stupid.

Lily: 原来 a mug 还可以用来形容轻信别人的大傻瓜,Jo 你能举例说明吗?

Jo: Well, perhaps you have a lazy colleague who tells you they have a lot of work and need you to do some. So you do the extra work as well as your work – you're really busy – but really the lazy colleague isn't too busy. They just don't want to work.

Lily: 一些懒惰的同事骗你说,他们忙不过来,你信以为真,马上动手帮忙,结果你被搞得很紧张,其实,那些人并不忙,他们完全是在利用你。

Jo: And if you were tricked in that way you would be a bit of a mug. Let's listen to another example.


A: What's the matter?

B: I feel like a right mug. Someone just came up to me and asked me if I could change £1 for two fifty pence pieces. They took the pound and ran off!

Lily: 讲话者说,他觉得自己好像是个大傻瓜 a mug. 因为,别人想把一镑钱换成两个 50 便士的零钱,结果,对方把两份钱,都抓在手里,跑掉了。So being a mug isn't a very nice thing to be, is it Jo?

Jo: Not really Lily. I feel like a mug actually Lily. I always buy you lunch and you never ever buy me anything. I thought you were my friend and we'd share.

Lily: Oh, dear, 你觉得,我只取不付出,是在占便宜, 其实我可不是这样的人! Sorry Jo – I just forget. Come on, I'll buy you lunch today. I don't want you to feel like a mug! And there's today's word, mug 傻瓜,笨蛋.

Jo: That's all from BBC Learning English for today. Bye for now.

Lily: Bye!
