英语听力精选进阶版 6595(在线收听

Neil: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Neil.

Feifei: 大家好,我是冯菲菲。欢迎收听地道英语。

Neil: In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time which you might not find in your dictionary.

Feifei: 地道英语中介绍的一些英语表达, 你可能在英语课堂上学不到,但是它们在生活中却会经常出现。What's the matter Neil?

Neil: Oh, I've just remembered that film I saw last night. It was so sad.

Feifei: What happened?

Neil: It was about a man who was separated from his wife because of a war. It took ten years to find her again, but just before he met her she was killed. It was such a tear jerker.

Feifei: Neil 昨晚看了一部非常令人悲伤的电影,剧情是这样的:丈夫和妻子因为战争所迫不得不暂时分开可是没想到这一别就是十年,就在丈夫得知妻子的下落准备和她团圆时,妻子不幸遇刺。

Neil: Everyone in the cinema was crying.

Feifei: So you call that type of film a tear jerker.

Neil: That's right. It's a tear jerker.


A: Do you fancy going to the Cinema tonight?

B: Yeah, let's go and see 'Tragic Love'.

A: OK, but take plenty of tissues: I've heard it’s a real tear jerker.

Neil: He says take plenty of tissues because it’s a real tear jerker. The film’s designed to make you cry, so you’ll need the tissues to dry your eyes.

Feifei: 这位男士告诉这位女士她需要带很多纸巾因为这是一部催人泪下的悲剧。But is it just films that can be tear jerkers?

Neil: No, a book, play or even a song can be a tear jerker.

Feifei: 一本书,一部话剧甚至是一首歌曲都可以像电影一样是 a tear jerker。

Neil: Goodbye.
