美联社新闻一分钟 AP 民主党在奥兰治县赢得第4个席位(在线收听


This is AP News Minute.

At least 77 people are now known dead in the northern California wildfire, with more than 1,000 unaccounted for. A vigil was held in a church in Chico for the fire victims on Sunday.

Hundreds in Tijuana, Mexico protested the Central American caravan that reached the border city. The demonstrators say the migrants who want to go to the US are messy, ungrateful and dangerous.

President Trump announced he'll have 2 rallies for Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith the day before next week's Mississippi Senate runoff. California Senator Kamala Harris appeared with Democratic candidate Mike Espy on Saturday.

Democratic Gil Cisneros won a tight battle for a Republican-held Southern California US House seat. It's the fourth seat to flip to the Democrats that's all or part in Orange County, a one-time Republican stronghold.
