英语听力精选进阶版 6602(在线收听

Jo: Hello and welcome to Real English, where you can find out about English words and expressions that might not be in your dictionary. I’m Jo.

Yang Li: 大家好,我是 Yang Li. Jo 今天我们要学得新词是什么呢?

Jo: It’s chugger. Chugger.

Yang Li: 这个词是什么意思呢?

Jo: Well, you know the word mugger?

Yang Li: Mugger 这个我知道,意思就是强盗。

Jo: Well, chugger is short for charity mugger.

Yang Li: 你说的 charity 我知道这是慈善机构, 不过我还是不明白 chugger 是什么意思。

Jo: OK, well in Britain there are lots of charities, and all of them want more people to give them money. Chuggers are people who work for the charities, who try to persuade people to give money to the charity.

Yang Li: 明白了,原来 chuggers 其实是为慈善机构募集捐款的人,不过这个词也是从 mugger 强盗演变过来的,听起来并不友好。

Jo: Well, that’s because a lot of people don’t like them. The way that they work is that they stand on the pavements and try to get you to stop and talk to them while you’re walking somewhere.

Yang Li: 原来是这样,如果你正在赶路,结果有人半途中硬把你给拦下来了,那你肯定没好气。不过一般人如果被拦下来了,是不是都会捐钱呢?

Jo: No, what the charities want is ongoing donations, not one-offs.

Yang Li: 慈善机构要的是有持续性的捐款,而不是一次性的赞助。

Jo: So the chuggers try to persuade you to set up a direct debit to pay the charity money every month.

Yang Li: 所以这些工作人员会让路人签一份银行转账的长约。

Jo: Chuggers can be very persistent when they want to talk to you, sometimes they even seem aggressive.

Yang Li: 这些收集慈善捐款的人有的时候会特别固执,抓住人就不放。

Jo: And because there are so many charities, even if you agree to give money to one, there’s always another one wanting your money as well. Sometimes there’ll be several chuggers from different charities on one bit of pavement!

Yang Li: 难怪大家给这些人起了这么个称号! 看来大家都怕被这些人给缠上,被迫签一份长期的慈善合约。那 Jo 你再解释一下我们今天学的新词吧。

Jo: Chugger – short for charity mugger.

Yang Li: 也就是人见人怕的慈善募捐人士。

Jo: Join us next time for more Real English. Bye.

Yang Li: Bye.
