英语听力精选进阶版 6609(在线收听

Vicki: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Vicki.

Chen Li: 大家好我是陈鹂,在今天的纯正英语节目中我们要学习的短语是什么呢?

Vicki: Today's expression is: to save face.

Chen Li: To save face. 什么意思?解释一下好吗?

Vicki: Well, it's an idiom but it’s not too complicated. To save face means to avoid embarrassment.

Chen Li: 我知道了,就是挽回面子的意思。我们如何来使用这个表达呢?

Vicki: Well, if you got fired for example, you might say you resigned to save face.

Chen Li: 那就是挽回面子了。


A: I hear that Bill lost the contract for the new shopping centre. Was the boss angry?

B: Very. But Bill managed to save face. He resigned before they could fire him.

Vicki: I went for dinner with my brother and his new girlfriend.

Chen Li: 好玩吗?

Vicki: Yes, but I had to save face for him!

Chen Li: 是吗,为什么呢?

Vicki: Well, when the bill came, he didn't have enough money, so he was very embarrassed.

Chen Li: 那他是如何挽回面子的呢?

Vicki: Well, I gave him some money without his girlfriend seeing. So he managed to save face. I hope he pays me back soon.

Chen Li: 好了,节目时间也差不多了,我们来复习一下吧。

Vicki: To save face.

Chen Li: 这是个成语,意思是挽回面子。

Vicki: You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Chen Li: 下次节目再会。
