留美老师带你每日说英文 第1080期:有订婚象征的物件(在线收听

   Being betrothed means she wears the insignia of betrothal: engagement rings, and all the gifts Pilatus has given her -- jewels, earrings, necklaces, and the pendants. She may even wear her myrtle crown.

  1.insignia 徽章;标志
  insignia (n.) 徽章;标志
  insidious (adj.) 阴险的;(疾病等) 隐伏的
  2.engagement 订婚;婚约
  engagement (n.) 订婚;婚约
  engage in sth (ph.) 忙于 (事情);参与
  fiancé (n.) 未婚夫
  3.pendant 挂件;项坠
  pendant (n.) 挂件;项坠
  pending (adj.) 未定的;待定的
  4.myrtle 桃金娘;(美)长春花
  myrtle (n.) 桃金娘;(美)长春花
  merit (n.) 价值;功绩