英语听力精选进阶版 6634(在线收听

Tracy: Hello, welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Tracy.

Li: 大家好,我是 Yang Li.

Tracy: I think I should tell everyone that Li and I have just been reading some celebrity magazines.

Li: 是的,我们今天收集了不少名人明星的花边新闻。

Tracy: We’ve been reading about the lives and loves of our favourite celebrities.

Li: I discovered that Brad Pitt is Tracy’s favourite celebrity.

Tracy: I might have a little crush on him.

Li: 看来你要加入Brad Pitt 成千上万的粉丝队伍了。

Tracy: Yes. Li, did you notice the phrase I used when I was talking about Brad?

Li: You said that you might have a little crush on him.

Tracy: Exactly, I said I have a crush on Brad Pitt, but just a little one.

Li: So if you say you have a crush on someone, does that just mean that you like them?

Tracy: It means a little bit more than that. It means you think they are good looking or hot or cute. It means that you fancy them.

Li: To fancy someone 就是喜欢上了谁。

Tracy: And usually when you have a crush on someone, that person doesn’t know how you feel. It’s a secret.

Li: A secret crush.

Tracy: Yes.

Li: Is there anyone else you have a secret crush on?

Tracy: I’m not telling you.

Li: 好,让我们听听别的英国人都喜欢哪几个名人明星。


I’ve always had a huge crush on Shu Qi, I think she is gorgeous.

I don’t usually tell people about this. It’s a bit embarrassing. I’ve got a secret crush on the office cleaner.

Li: 为什么有的人会说他们对某人有 a little 或者 a huge crush 呢?喜欢上哪个人有这么多不同的程度吗?

Tracy: Yes, a huge or serious crush can cause very powerful feelings. You might long for a person.

Li: To long for a person 就是非常的渴望某人。

Tracy: But most crushes are not that serious. Sometimes it’s just a phase that someone goes through.

Li: A phase 就是一个人生的“时期”或者“阶段”。那 Tracy 你自己像这样的时期又经过了多少个呢?

Tracy: I’m not telling.

Li: So is your crush on Brad Pitt just a phase?

Tracy: Yes, but I guess I’ve always thought he was quite good looking. I think lots of other people are cute too. I guess I have a little crush on quite a few celebrities.

Li: Well I have an idea. Let’s end today’s programme here and you can tell me about all of the other celebrities that you have a crush on.

Tracy: That could take a while.

Li: Thanks for listening to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English.

Tracy: Bye.

Li: Bye.
