英语听力精选进阶版 6644(在线收听

William: Hello! You’re listening to Authentic Real English. My name’s William Kremer and I’m joined by Feifei Feng.

Feifei: 大家好,我是冯菲菲。欢迎收听《地道英语》,今天我们要学习的这个词是... um…

William: Is there something wrong, Feifei?

Feifei: Yeah, I’ve got the wrong script. Can I blag a spare one off you?

William: Ah sorry Feifei, I’ve only got one copy. But you just used an interesting word there, so shall we talk about that?

Feifei: Which word, script? 稿子?

William: No no, after that! What did you say again?

Feifei: Can I blag a spare script off you? 没错儿, to blag 是一个非常英式表达。

William: If you blag something off someone you ask for something of low value or you borrow something. Can I blag a pen off you Feifei?

Feifei: Sure, of course. Here you are. 我们一起来听一个例子,这个人在 blagging 什么东西?


A: Can I just blag some milk off you for my tea?

B: Yeah, ok. But if you’re putting the kettle on, can you pour a cup for me?

William: She blagged some milk for her tea.

Feifei: To blag 的意思就是问某人要一个价值不高的东西,便宜的东西,或是向某人借一样东西。注意这是一个非正式用语。我们还能怎么用呢 William?

William: Yes. We can use it if we persuade someone to do something for us, possibly by tricking them!

Feifei: 用欺骗的方式说服某人干一件事情,这好像不很道德吧!

William: Well, it’s usually just little things. Listen to this example…


A: I had a fantastic time at that party last night.

B: What, the party in the bar downstairs?

A: Yeah.

B: But I thought it was invitation-only!

A: It was but I blagged my way in.

Feifei: 在这个例子里,说话的一方没有被邀请参加一个派队,不过他 blagged his way in, 也就是说它想方设法的说服了门卫,放他进去。

William: Have you ever blagged your way into a party or maybe a nightclub, Feifei?

Feifei: 当然没有了,你知道,所有的活动我都会受到邀请,没必要去 to blag.

William: Well, I envy you. I don’t get so many invitations so I’m a real blagger.

Feifei: A blagger 指一个经常需要 blag 的人。你知道这个词难在哪儿了吗 William?

William: Yes, the pronunciation. To blag B.L.A.G. sounds like to brag B.R.A.G. but it has a very different meaning so watch out!

Feifei: 去 to blag 还有去 to brag, 真容易混淆。

Both: 再见!
