英语听力精选进阶版 6647(在线收听

William: Hello and welcome to another exciting edition of Authentic Real English. My name is William Kremer.

Feifei 大家好,我是冯菲菲。Uh! William! 你的手怎么都流血了!

William: Oh, it’s a long story.

Feifei No, go on.

William: Well… I invited some friends over to my house last night while my wife was seeing her mother. And, I don’t know how it happened but… somehow or other… some red wine got spilled on my carpet.

Feifei 有红酒洒在你的地毯上了…

William: Yes, and of course it’s a white carpet.

Feifei Oh no…

William: And then when my wife came home she saw the stain and totally freaked out. So I had to spend the whole night scrubbing the carpet; that’s why I’ve got bleeding hands.

Feifei 你太太让你用了一整夜时间把地毯上的红酒印刷干净,所以你的手都磨出血了!不过 William,你刚才用的那个词是什么来着?Your wife saw the stain and…?

William: My wife saw the stain and freaked out. To freak out, it means to react to something in an extreme way.

Feifei To freak out 就是说对某事做出了非常极端的反应。那William,这个说法一般是来形容人被惹得特别生气的这种情况吗?

William: Well, we do use it a lot when people get really angry, like my wife over the wine. But people also freak out when they are scared by something or confused or upset.

Feifei 那么我们也可以用它来形容由于某事的发生而产生的突然的恐惧、迷茫、或者悲痛的情绪和反应。

William: Let’s listen to an example.


A: Darren! I thought you were dead!

B: It’s Ok Lucy. I’m not a ghost, so don’t freak out.

Feifei 在这个例句中,那位女士以为对方这个男士是个鬼,所以她 freaked out.

William: That’s right. Or we can say, he freaked her out, he freaked her out. When you think something is strange or frightening it freaks you out.

Feifei 而刚才你流血的双手确实也是 freaked me out。

William: Well let’s listen to another example.


C: Did you know that I can touch my nose with my tongue?

D: Really?

C: Yeah, watch…

D: Oh stop it! Stop it! You’re freaking me out!

Feifei Stop freaking me out… William,我有种预感,和你在一起,我会经常用到这个词组的。

William: Oh thanks Feifei… that’s very kind of you. That’s all for this week.

Both: Bye bye.
