英语听力精选进阶版 6711(在线收听

Wang Fei: Welcome to the Authentic Real English motorbike! I'm Wang Fei.

Finn: And I'm Finn!

Wang Fei: Finn's decided to take us out for a ride today and he's driving now.

Finn: I am yes, I'm driving. I thought it would be good to get out of the studio. Wow! Look at all the beautiful green fields around us, Wang Fei.

Wang Fei: Beautiful 并且 green 也就是我们今天的关键词是不是?

Finn: 是啊!Yes, it is.

Wang Fei: A bit easy, isn't it? 谁不知道 green 的意思就是绿色的呢?!

Finn: It's not that meaning, Wang Fei!

Wang Fei: Well, what do you mean, green as in good for the environment? 你是指绿色环保的意思,是不是?

Finn: 也不是呢!Not that one either!

Wang Fei: 我还知道一个表达,green with envy? 也就是说“眼红、嫉妒”的意思。Green with envy?

Finn: No. What are you envious about? No, it's not that one… ah hang on, oh no!


Both: Ow!

Wang Fei: Finn, you're a terrible terrible driver!

Finn: I know.

Wang Fei: 你是想说哪个 green 呢?!

Finn: Yes, I'm sorry, Wang Fei. What I mean is I'm very green at riding motorbikes. That's what I wanted to say. Green means inexperienced or new to something.

Wang Fei: 你算是说对了!Finn 说 he is green at riding motorbikes. 意思是说他是新手上路、没有经验。这里的 green 通常是说某人的技术或者工作不成熟、缺乏经验。我们摔得够呛,你这车技也太 green 了。我们先听几个别的例子吧。


I'm a bit green at video editing, so it takes me a long time to edit things.

He's a bit green in this job so he's bound to need some help.

My uncle's very green at searching the internet. He prefers to go to the library.

Wang Fei: Finn is definitely green at riding motorbikes… 我们也该上路了,但是说实在的,我还是觉得心里不踏实。


Finn: Wow, what beautiful countryside…

Wang Fei: Yes beautiful! 不过我觉得自己好像也要病了。我真担心我们要再次撞车。

Finn: Wang Fei, are you ok?

Wang Fei: Not really.

Finn: You've gone green!

Wang Fei: What?!

Finn: You've gone green – it means you look ill!

Wang Fei: 又一个关于 green 的表达,意思是说看上去脸色发青、病了的意思。他倒说对了!Finn, 我们先别解释了,你还是集中注意力开车吧。Just concentrate on driving please!

Finn: Ok then! Bye everyone…

Wang Fei: Wish me luck. Bye.
