美国小学英语教材6:第35课 山齿鹑家族(6)(在线收听

   Their friends at the farmhouse wondered if any had survived; so old Ben and a small boy went out into the storm to look for the quail. 农舍的朋友在想是否有幸存者,老本和小男孩在大雨中寻找鹑。

  The old man went ahead with a long swinging stride, while the small boy trotted after him. 老人在前面走,他的走路姿势晃来晃去,小男孩在后面小跑跟着。
  These two had watched over the quail family from the very first. 这二人从一开始就在照看鹑家族。
  They had discovered the nest under the old log and had visited it several times while the eggs were hatching. 他们发现了旧木筏下的鸟巢,在孵卵期间曾多次造访。
  They had fished the three water-soaked chicks out of the puddle after the rainstorm 大雨过后,他们在水坑里捞出了三个湿透的小鸟,
  which filled the little hollow where the brood was sleeping that night with their mother. 那天晚上大雨倾盆,大水漫灌了空洞,当时妈妈和小鹑们还在熟睡。
  They had also happened upon the remains of the old raccoon's supper, scattered about near that circle of footprints. 有的成为了老浣熊晚餐残余,散落在一圈圈脚印旁边。
  The evil doings of Red Fox they had likewise discovered while repairing the brush fence. 在修缮篱笆时他们还发现了无恶不作的赤狐。
  They had also seen the quail many times in neighboring grain fields and had heard their cheery "more wet" before each rainstorm; 在附近田地他们多次发现了鹌鹑,在每次暴风雨来临之前,他们总能听到鹌鹑的欢乐叫声;
  so it was no wonder that their hearts were heavy tonight. 难怪它们今晚的心情无比沉重。
  The old man sprang lightly over the barway into the pasture, while the boy crawled between the bars. 老人轻盈地跳过横木进入牧场,小男孩在栏杆间爬行。
  They went on for fifteen or twenty rods and then crawled under a clump of small spruce trees 他们走过了15或20个围栏,之后在小杉树丛中爬行,
  and sat down where the leaves were still dry. 坐在了一片干燥的叶子上。
  Suddenly from their very midst came a clear shrill whistle, bob-white, bob-white, bob-bob-white. 突然从他们中间传来了清晰刺耳的鸟叫声,布谷,布谷,布谷。
  They are right here in the bush, Ben, exclaimed the boy in an eager whisper. 小男孩急促地低声说,本它们在草丛中。
  The old man chuckled and laughed softly. 老人轻声笑了起来。
  That was my call, he whispered. I had my hand over my mouth so you could not tell where the sound came from. 他轻声说道这是我的叫喊声,我用手遮住了嘴,所以你不知道声音是来自哪里。