英语听力精选进阶版 6724(在线收听

William: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, I'm William Kremer.

Li: And I'm Yang Li.

William: Let me play you something, Li.

British national anthem.

Li: Ah, God Save the Queen; 英国国歌。William 沉浸在深深的爱国情绪里了?

William: Ah, but wait...

USA National anthem.

Li: Eh? The Star Spangled Banner 这不是美国国歌吗?But this is the BBC, William! British Broadcasting Corporation!

William: Yeah, I know Li. But a very special visitor is coming to Britain today.

Li: 啊,对了,美国总统奥巴马今天开始他对英国的为期三天的访问。William, 我真心地想问你一个问题,你觉得英国人到底喜欢不喜欢美国人呢?

William: Well, that is a very difficult question to answer in ninety seconds Li. But it's fair to say that our two countries have a lot in common. Not only do we share the same language but economically and politically Britain and the USA have a close connection. And this connection is often called the special relationship.

Li: The special relationship. 是专门用来形容英美两国政治关系的短语 the special relationship 英美关系。

William: Here are a few examples of this phrase being used which I found on the BBC website:


Britain's former Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, talks to Katty Kay about recent remarks in which he described the 'special relationship' between America and Britain as a fiction that should be dropped.

Isabel Hilton and guests discuss the past, present and future of what people on this side of the Atlantic like to call 'the special relationship' between Britain and America. But is it really that special?

Files newly released by the Wikileaks website highlight what is described as the UK's 'paranoia' about its so-called special relationship with the US.

Li: It sounds like people are starting to question how special the special relationship is!

William: That might be true... and you can see that this is an issue that is easier to talk about because there is a special phrase for it.

Li: So does the UK have a special relationship with other countries too?

William: Yes, of course. And occasionally you might read about 'a special relationship with Australia' or 'a special relationship with India' for example, but the phrase 'the special relationship' by itself generally refers to the USA and Britain.

Li: I see, the special relationship, not a special relationship. Well, actually, we have a special relationship, don't we William?

William: Yes, we do, Li! And do you think our special relationship is like the special relationship?

Li: 这要看具体情况了... 要看我扮演的是美国还是英国?!

William: Hmm. Well, that is an interesting question but also quite a strange one! So let's end today's programme there. Bye bye!

Li: 我能扮演美国吗?真的,我能开我的凯迪拉克车带你去兜风,怎么样?
