英语听力精选进阶版 6729(在线收听

Yang Li: 大家好我是杨莉,这是BBC热门栏目《地道英语》。

William: I'm William Kremer. Welcome to the programme.

Yang Li: Hi William, I'm so excited!

William: Really? What's brought this on, then?

Yang Li: This weekend something really really great is happening! Do you know what it is?

William: No...

Yang Li: It has to do with music...

William: Ah, is it a big opera?

Yang Li: No, it takes place outdoors...

William: Ah, is it opera in the park?

Yang Li: No, no, it's not opera. It's Glastonbury! Glastonbury 英国夏季举行的大型音乐节。

William: Oh wow, I've never been. I'm so jealous. What's the line-up this year?

Yang Li: Oh no, you don't have to queue. You can just get tickets online. But of course, they are sold out now.

William: No, no, no, the line-up, Yang Li. Who's playing?

Yang Li: Oh, there's U2 and the Chemical Brothers and Fleet Foxes and Elbow... and loads and loads of bands. 不过 William, 我不太明白你刚才说的短语是什么意思,什么是 line-up...

William: Well, in America to 'wait in line' means to queue. But a line-up refers to all the bands that are playing in a festival.

Yang Li: Ah, a line-up 指的是所要参加演出乐队阵势。那么这个词是不是专门用来形容音乐节呢?

William: No, it isn't. Listen to this:


Man: Is Jones playing this weekend?

Man 2: No, he's still injured so he's not in the line-up.

Yang Li: 在以上例句里面,'the line-up' 意思是体育团队里的一员,他受伤了,不在团队之列。The line-up. Well, anyway, it's a pretty good line-up at Glastonbury this weekend. I can't wait!

William: Who's headlining on Sunday?

Yang Li: What do you mean?

William: Who's headlining? Ah, I think I know why you're confused. 'To headline' doesn't mean to be in the news. It means to be the main act in a festival. The main act is 'the headline act'.

Yang Li: Oh right. To headline 意思是音乐节上的领衔主演 the headline act. Well, I think Beyoncé Knowles is headlining on Sunday. She's the headline act.

William: Ah yes, Beyoncé. I've heard of her. Is she the one that does that dance, like this...

Yang Li: 别了,别了 William, 让我看着怪难受的,你跟 Beyoncé 舞姿相比还差点!

William: (laughing) OK, OK. So, what time do you leave?

Yang Li: Eh?

William: What time are you going to Glastonbury? It's quite a long way, you know. You should probably be getting a train about now.

Yang Li: 哈哈,你还信以为真了!其实我不去,你知道票价有多吓人吗!而且一想到露宿在外,湿湿漉漉,泥泥浆浆的,那些临建厕所 oh no, no, no!我宁愿在家里看电视,舒服多了。

William: Oh right, OK! Well for everyone who is going to a music festival this year, we hope that you have a fantastic time. I hope that the line-up is great and that the headline act doesn't disappoint. Bye!

Yang Li: Bye.
