英语听力精选进阶版 6746(在线收听

Rob: Hello, I'm Rob.

Helen: Hi 大家好,我是 Helen 欢迎收听地道英语。

Rob: Hold on Helen. We can't hear you properly.

Helen: What's happening?

Rob: I think your microphone's playing up.

Helen: Playing up 玩起来?

Rob: Sorry, sorry, I didn't quite catch that.

Helen: Let me just push this button. There! 我的麦克刚才出问题了。But Rob you said the microphone was playing up?

Rob: That's right. It wasn't working properly. You see, if something isn't working as it should be, we sometimes say it's playing up.

Helen: 如果什么东西不像原来那么好用了,或者出现小故障,那么我们就可以说 it's playing up. 只能是 playing up – not down?

Rob: Nope. Playing down something is a different expression that means something totally different.

Helen: OK. So as the picture on my TV at home is flickering, I can say my TV is playing up?

Rob: Exactly. And let's hear about some other things that are playing up…

I don't think I'll be able to give you a lift to work today; my car's been playing up.

My phone keeps playing up. Every time I dial a number, it just switches itself off.

Helen: That sounds like my phone! 如果一个东西时好时坏,那么它表现可真不好,它失灵了 it's misbehaving.

Rob: Ha ha! You could say that. And it's just like people. When they misbehave we say they're playing up. Like this…

Sorry, but I'm going to be late. The children have been playing up and I've still got so much to do.

Helen: 当小孩子们表现不好时,我们也可以说他们不听话了。I think it's usually because they want attention.

Rob: Mmm, now Helen, could I have your attention now please, because playing up is also something you can say to describe to a part of your body that's not working properly.

Ow! I'm going to have to lie down; my back's playing up again.

Count me out of this weekend's football match; my leg's playing up so I need to rest it.

Helen: 我们可以说我们的身体部位出现小故障,比如今天腰疼了,不好使。So it seems playing up refers to anything that's not working or behaving as it should. Now Rob, my leg's also been playing up so I wonder if you could give me a lift home in your car?

Rob: No way – oh it sounds like my microphone's playing up now!

Helen: No Rob, it's you who's playing up – now switch it back on!

Rob: Oh, oh OK then, Helen!

Helen: Let's go then. 再见!

Rob: Bye.
