英语听力精选进阶版 6751(在线收听

Neil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, I'm Neil.

Li: 我是杨莉。大家好。 Did you stay much longer last night at the office party?

Neil: Yes I did. After you left we went on to a bar in the City.

Li: Oh sounds good! 昨天晚上我们办公室里有聚会活动,我早早地离开了,但是 Neil 和其他几个同事接着又去伦敦金融城的酒吧了。 How was it?

Neil: Actually it was pretty bad. There were all these traders getting drunk and shouting a lot about their cars and expensive clothes and holidays. You know, they were just really lairy.

Li: They were what?

Neil: Lairy.

Li: Lairy. 这个形容词一般用来描述男子,特别是那些情绪激动,俗气炫耀的男子,而且有的时候无理取闹。So it wasn't much fun?

Neil: No, they made it miserable for everyone else in the place, to be honest.

Li: 他说,酒吧里全都是交易商,下班后去酒吧里喝个痛快,喝得醉醺醺,然后口若悬河,争先恐后地炫耀自己的值钱宝贝。 They sound very lairy. 我们再听一组例句。

A: Shall we go shopping in Kensington on Saturday afternoon?

B: I'd love to but I hate getting the Tube to Kensington on a Saturday. It's always full of lairy Chelsea fans on their way to the football.

A: Yes, you're right. It's really scary when they're so drunk and shouting and singing. How about somewhere else?

Li: 这些女子不想在星期六这天,也就是有足球赛的这天,到切尔希足球俱乐部附近的地铁站附近去逛街和购物,因为有球赛那里会挤满了足球迷,他们疯喊疯叫。 They're lairy.

Neil: Yes, I've been in that situation too. It's not much fun.

Li: So, this word 'lairy': is it common?

Neil: I'd say it's quite common, but slang. And you wouldn't often write it.

Li: 很常用,但它是俚语,只在口语里用,不是书面语。

Neil: But you'll hear British and Australian people using it; especially in the situations we've talked about.

Li: Anything else I need to know?

Neil: Yes, you should use the word in combination with 'blokes'. This is British slang meaning 'men'.

Li: Lairy blokes.

Neil: That's right. That's all from us, but we'll leave you with the sound of lairy blokes watching football.

Li: 谢谢收听,再会!

(Angry football crowd)
