英语听力精选进阶版 6763(在线收听

Neil: Hello, I'm Neil.

Li: What a miserable day it is today! Hey, I think that's Li!

Neil: What on earth's she doing?! She's on her hands and knees in the mud. Li!

Li: Oh! Hello!

Neil: Are you okay?

Li: Yes, I am fine thanks.

Neil: Is there any particular reason you are in the mud?

Li: 你问我为什么在泥里?因为我要把我的双手弄脏啊!

Neil: Right.

Li: 为了参加小区里的节庆活动,就是今天晚上啊,你不知道!

Neil: I know. But I think I'm going to be having a shower and making myself clean, rather than dirty. Maybe this is some kind of low-cost spa treatment?

Li: Oh no. 我不是在用泥土来做美容,是这次活动的领队告诉我们要这样做的。

Neil: Did he?

Li: Yes he did. 上个星期他跟我们说希望我们每个人都出力参与这项节庆活动。He wanted each of us to contribute. "If it's going to be a success, you must all get your hands dirty," that's what he said. 他明明是在说让我们把手弄脏啊!

Neil: Ohhhhhh!

Li: What?

Neil: I don't think he meant you should actually come with dirty hands. It's an expression!

Li: 啊,什么比喻?

Neil: Yes. 'To get your hands dirty' means to get really involved in the work – including the parts that are not enjoyable - rather than standing back and watching others do it.

Li: Oh. I see.

Li: 'To get your hands dirty' 这个短语的意思是亲自动手参与到一项活动中去,不要袖手旁观。

Neil: For example.


Unlike other bosses, Mr Stevens really likes to get his hands dirty. It's as if he's one of us.

Mary pretends to work hard, but I've never actually seen her get her hands dirty.

Li: 原来领队的意思是让我们全力以赴地参与节庆的筹备工作 – 并不是让我把两只手都搞得脏兮兮的来参加节庆活动。Is that right, Neil?

Neil: Yes.

Li: You know what? 我才不管那一套呢!其实这泥巴挺不错,我觉得我的皮肤感觉滋润多了。哎,来吧,你也来试试,保你喜欢,特好玩儿! Let's get our hands dirty – for real! Come on Neil, come on, it's really fun…

Neil: I'd rather not... no, please... argh!
