新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson46:AT THE POST OFFICE在邮局(在线收听

676.  It’s not very exciting to wait in line at the post office.
677.  I’ve got to mail this stuff for my boss.
678.  It’s just a letter to my mother.
679.  I need to have this package air mailed.
680.  I’ve been expecting a package that should have been here two weeks ago.
681.  How much more does express mail cost?
682.  Can I get insurance on this package?
683.  I need to change my mailing address.
684.  This package weighs 11 ounces.
685.  That’s the box of out-of-town mail.
686.  How much for a book of stamps?
687.  Can I get a postcard here?
688.  Is there a supervisor that I can speak with?
689.  I like these new stamps.
690.  Can I apply for a passport here?

1. stuff            n. 物品;东西
2. package      n. 包裹;包
3. address       n. 住址;地址
4. weigh         v. 有......重量;称起来
5. stamp         n. 邮票
6. postcard     n. 明信片
7. supervisor     n. 监督人;管理人;指导者
