英语听力精选进阶版 6802(在线收听

(Rob visits Helen in hospital)

Rob: How are you feeling, Helen?

Helen: 谢谢你来看我,Rob. 我难受死了! 我的腿摔断了,下巴也给摔肿了,又青又紫 my pride is hurt! 太丢脸了!我周末去滑雪,摔了一下,竟然给摔成了这个样子!

Rob: Oh, bad luck, really. But your leg will heal and your bruises will disappear soon, Helen. There will be no sign of them in a few weeks.

Helen: 没错,我的腿会好的,我肿胀的下巴再过几周也会复原的,可是我现在疼呀!But I am in pain! 疼死了,疼死了!

Rob: But you'll get better, Helen. Keep your chin up!

Helen: Keep my chin up?! (Talking to herself) 把下巴抬高?这可能是新疗法吧?Rob 总是知道一些偏方或者代替疗法,说不定这会有助于血液循环。(To him) Is this good for circulation, Rob?

Rob: No Helen, it doesn't help your circulation! Just keep your chin up but... well, but... What are you doing? That's not what I mean.

Helen: 你不是这个意思? 我的下巴已经抬高了,难道抬得还不够高吗?Will it help my bruises disappear, Rob?

Rob: Not really. But it will make you feel better, Helen.

Helen: Keep my chin up 不会帮助消肿,但是会让我感觉好一些?! How come, Rob?

Rob: Well, in English, when we tell someone to keep their chin up we are telling them to stay positive in a tough situation. Let's listen to some examples.

"When young people say it is difficult to earn a living nowadays, I tell them to work hard, keep their chin up and they will go to places."

"I've just had an argument with my husband. My daughter said she wants to leave school and my cat ran away. I feel like crying. Sometimes it's hard to keep my chin up."

Helen: Oh, I've got it. 当你要鼓励一个人在困境中不要灰心的时候就可以说 keep your chin up! 这让我松了一口气,Rob. 你看上下左右这么一折腾,我的下巴现在比刚才还疼呢。

Rob: Sure, you can relax your chin now. And next time you go to some slope for some skiing make sure you stay on the nursery slopes..!

Helen: 你说幼儿园滑坡?!那是为小孩儿准备的!That's for kids!!

Rob: Not just for kids, Helen... it's for beginners! Anyway, don't be angry! Keep your chin up, Helen! With a lot of training, one day you'll be a great skier!

Helen: Yes, 也许你是对的,如果 keep my chin up 并且多训练,也许我终将会成为一名优秀的滑雪健将!

Rob: Bye for now.

Helen: Bye.
