英语听力精选进阶版 6822(在线收听

Finn: Hi, I'm Finn. And this is Authentic Real English. And this is Feifei… a very sad-looking Feifei, by the way.

Feifei: Sorry, Finn. 今天我实在是太失败了,我和我姥姥还有我妈一起参加了一个厨艺比赛,她们俩并列第一名,我得了最后一名。

Finn: I sympathise with you more than you know. My grandfather and my father were the best fishermen ever, and when I go fishing all I catch is a cold.

Feifei: 你做不了渔夫,打不上鱼?可是你们家所有亲戚都是捕鱼高手,就你不行?不过你说我怎么就没能赢这个厨艺大赛呢?我觉得我做的馅儿饼色香味俱全,甜点蛋糕也入口即化。

Finn: Feifei, sometimes we've got to accept that we just can't cut the mustard.

Feifei: What!? Can't cut the mustard?! 我不会切芥末?什么意思?我不但知道我做的甜点芥末使用量的多少,我还加了适量的奶酪和鸡蛋,用筛过的面粉...

Finn: Calm down, this has nothing to do with your cooking skills. In English, when you say someone or something 'can't cut the mustard' you mean that it is not good enough.

Feifei: 哦,原来你不是觉得我不会做饭,你是在说我今天没有达到要求的水准,所以没有获胜。Can't cut the mustard 的意思就是没有达到标准,没能成功。

Finn: Yes. I wouldn't dare to doubt your cooking ability, Feifei. So, we say 'can't cut the mustard', or we can also say 'don't' or 'doesn't cut the mustard'. Listen out for some examples of how to use this expression.

I know the borough of Milton Keynes well. It's a charming place... but it doesn't cut the mustard where tourism is concerned.

I won't study architecture. I am bad at drawing. I just can't cut the mustard.

Feifei: Now I get it. 不过想想这个表达其实挺怪的。

Finn: Yes it is. But it's also very popular, especially in America. Here in Britain you might hear a shorter version like 'he can't cut it'.

Feifei: 在美语中,人们通常使用 can't cut the mustard 这个短语,而在英国,大多数人都喜欢说 he can't cut it. And now, 为了给你证明我的厨艺其实是很不错的,我隆重的邀请你周末到我家共进午餐。

Finn: Lovely. And what is on the menu?

Feifei: 刚才你说到了捕鱼,那我就给你做我的拿手好菜 – 吞拿鱼和巧克力派。

Finn: Tuna and chocolate pie?! Sorry, I think I won't be able to make it this weekend, Feifei. I've got to go… fishing. Bye.

Feifei: 你要去钓鱼?没关系,我做好给你留着。Bye.
