
   But truthfully, we all spend sort of a big part of our lives just trying not to be gross. 但事实上,我们一生中都花费了很长时间试着摆脱恶心的感觉。

  When you really think about it, we're sort of just like bags of fluids and some weird tissues surrounded by a thin layer of skin. 当你们认真思考它时,我们也不过是皮包着骨头的生物罢了--薄薄的皮肤包裹着液体和奇怪的组织。
  And to a certain extent, multiple times a day, whether consciously or subconsciously, I need to remind myself not to fart publicly. 在有些情况下,有意或无意间,我需要在一天中多次提醒自己不要在公众场所放屁。
  You know, we're desperately trying to avoid being gross all the time, 很显然,我们总是不顾一切地尝试躲避恶心的东西,
  so I think many of us take this kind of voyeuristic delight in learning about gross things. 所以我认为大多数人会将这种偷窥的愉悦运用到恶心的事物上。
  This is certainly true of kids; the number of middle school teachers who show my videos in their science classes is a testament to that. 尤其是儿童,在科学课堂上展示我的视频的中学老师的数量就是很好的证明。
  But I think it's totally true of adults, too. 但我认为这个观点也适用于成人。
  You know, I think we all love hearing about gross stories, 我认为我们都喜欢听闻恶心的故事,
  because it's a socially acceptable way to explore the gross side of ourselves. 毕竟,探索我们自己恶心的一面,在社会层面上是可以接受的。
  But there's this other reason that I think talking about gross stuff is so important. 让我觉得谈论恶心的东西很重要,还有着另一层原因。
  So a while back, I made a video on tonsil stones -- sorry, everyone 前不久,我制作了一个关于扁桃体结石的视频--抱歉让大家觉得不舒服,
  which are these balls of mucus and bacteria and food that get lodged in your tonsils and they smell really terrible, 这些镶嵌在你们扁桃体的粘液球,细菌和食物味道非常难闻,
  sometimes you cough them up and it's like -- it's awful. 有时候会随着咳嗽喷出来,让人感到很恶心。
  And many, many people have experienced this. 不少人都有过这样的经历。
  But many of the people who have experienced this haven't really had a forum to talk about it. 但经历过这一过程的很多人,并未真正公开讨论过这个问题。
  And today, this video that I made is my most popular video. It has millions of views. 时至今日,我制作的这个视频仍然是所有视频中最流行的一个。有几百万的点击率。