新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson57:AT THE GYM在健身房(在线收听

841. Don’t you look at yourself in the mirror too?
 842. They must work out all the time.
 843. Why do you go to the gym so much?
 844. It’s good for me to be healthy.
 845. It’s never good to put such a high value on appearances.
 846. My muscles feel numb.
 847. I can’t move a muscle.
 848. I’m exhausted.
 849. I’m going to spend a few more minutes on the exercise bike.
 850. It’s too crowded in the gym at night.
 851. Someone needs to fix the leg press machine.
 852. I’m going to relax in the sauna.
 853. How many more exercises do you have to do?
 854. How often do you work out?
 855. He’s a firefighter, so he has to exercise often.

1. mirror                   n. 镜子
2. appearance             n. 外貌;外观;外表
3. numb                   adj. 失去感觉的;麻木的
4. muscle                n. 肌;肌肉
5. sauna                     n. (芬兰的)蒸汽浴;桑拿浴
6. firefighter                n. 消防队员
