
Anything and everything is being recycled at the Canberra Environment Center, and in the war on waste, these soldiers are on the front lines, repairing anything from clothing to bikes to doorbells.


So they don’t end up in the trash. There’s so much stuff that goes to landfill totally unnecessarily. We’re constantly buying new things, again, a bit unnecessarily.


Using skills from his day job, Tate Leaney spent about an hour fixing the set of headphones. Anything that we can repair is one less thing that we’ve thrown out, especially when a lot of the problems are very simple.


And after a visit to the repair cafe, this once broken doorbell alerts Pearl when someone’s at the front door.


I would have probably thrown this away if I couldn’t have got it fixed.


And it’s not just about reducing waste, it’s also about gaining skills.


My mother was a child of the depression in World War II, so she had all those skills that people used to have, but we’re losing them and I think it’s really important for those of us who still have those skills to pass them on.


We focus on clothing and textile fee, mainly because that funny thing I really know how to repay, proving that one man’s trash can be another as treasure.

