篮球英文堂 第199期:灭霸詹姆斯 东帝西征君临天(在线收听

   War has started 战争已然打响

  And we are hopelessly outgun 对手远远比我们强大
  Director xxx, I think it's time XXX老大,我想是时候了
  You here with the mission, sir? 你是为了共同的使命来到这里的吗,先生?
  Trying to get me back in the war? 想劝我回去加入这场战争?
  Trying to save it 努力去拯救这场战争
  Doctor, we need you to come in 博士,我们需要你加入
  What if I say "NO"? 如果我说“不”呢?
  I will persuade you 那我会说服你的
  What do you asking me to do? 你想要我做什么?
  I thought I didn't qualify 我认为我并不合格
  Apparently, I'm, what's it? volatile, self-possessed 很明显,我很善变,而且很自负
  And don't play well with others 我不能和别人很好的融入在一起
  I think I need a timeout 我想我需要缓一缓
  We got one advantage 我们有一个优势
  He is coming to us 他是冲着我们来的
  We have Thanos once, so that's what who he is. Wow 曾经灭霸和我们并肩战斗,所以,他是和我们一边的。哇哦
  The end is near 大结局就要来了
  When I'm done, half of the humanity will still exist 我完成这个使命后,一半的人类还会继续存在
  Perfectly balance 完美的平衡
  That's all things should be 所有的事物都是应该这样的
  I hope they remember you 我希望他们铭记你
  Hi, who the hell are you guys? 嗨,你们是谁?