英语听力精选进阶版 7060(在线收听

(Neil has spent Sunday with Li in the countryside. Now they are going back to town.)

Neil: Oh, it's been a great Sunday in the countryside, Li. I'm a city boy – I'm not used to this much walking and fresh air. It was good though, but now it's getting late.

Li: Yes, it is, Neil. But now we are going to catch a bus to town and you'll be back in your normal environment.

Li: Yes, it is, Neil. But now we are going to catch a bus to town and you'll be back in your normal environment.

Li: Don't worry, Neil. The bus will come.

Neil: Li, look! There is a note here on the wall of this old bus shelter!

Li: Oh, I didn't notice it. What does it say?

Neil: It says buses are subject to delays! We'll be waiting for a bus until the cows come home!

Li: Those cows?! I think they are already home, Neil. The cows live in that field. It's us who need to go home. You might be feeling a bit light-headed as you are not used to so much fresh air.

Neil: Li, we are not actually waiting for the cows to go anywhere. In English, to wait 'until the cows come home' means to wait for a very long time.

Li: 在英语里如果等待的时间被形容为“直到奶牛回家 until the cows come home”, 意思就是要等很久很久。Ah, so nothing to do with cows?

Neil: Not at all. Let's hear some examples of how to use 'until the cows come home', today's expression in Authentic Real English.

I'm off work tomorrow so tonight we can party until the cows come home!

Alan is very stubborn. His wife can try to persuade him until the cows come home but he won't change his mind.

Li: Oh. That's a new expression for me. And you learnt something too, Neil.

Neil: What's that, Li?

Li: Look over there!

(The bus is approaching.)

Neil: That's our bus! Here! We're here!

Li: Don't worry, it's coming.

Neil: Well, you learnt a new expression and I learnt to be more patient.

Li: One day, even a city boy like you, will get used to the calming and relaxing atmosphere of the countryside.

Neil: Yes. The cows look happy, don't they? Munching away on the grass…

Li: Yes, indeed. Let's go. Bye.

Neil: Bye.
