英语听力精选进阶版 7084(在线收听

Background: 意大利的威尼斯市正在清理大面积海潮带来的水灾。威尼斯遭遇了20年不遇的海平面最高水位。该市饭店行业说,从昨天开始已经有1000多项预定被取消。威尼斯市呼吁政府紧急拨款以帮助清整这场水灾。市政府还要求加速防洪门大型工程的建造。

At one point the water in the central part of Venice was 1.56m above sea level 海平面. It hasn't been that high since 1986. Venice gets regular flooding 水灾 at this time of year but this was the fourth deepest on record.

Dozens of homes and businesses were inundated 淹没. Scores 数十人 of people had to move out, though there are no reports of serious injuries.

With mopping up 清整 still underway, the authorities say they don't yet know the final cost of repairs 修理. They've appealed to the government for money from a special fund 专款/资金 to help in the clear-up.

The all-time record for high water was in 1966 when it reached nearly two metres. The city then suffered widespread 遍及各地的 and devastating 灾难性的 flooding.

Since then, there have been a number of attempts to make flood protection more permanent.

The latest and most ambitious 野心勃勃的 solution is what is known as the Moses Project: 78 floodgates 防洪门 are being built at the three main inlets 入口/水湾 to the lagoon 环礁湖/泻湖 that Venice is set around. About 40% are complete, though the city has again asked for the scheme to be speeded up 加速 ahead of its planned 2012 completion.

Much more immediately, with 1000 cancellations in the past 24 hours, hotels have started offering discount packages 优惠(促销)产品 which include a free pair of fishermen-style wading boots 胶皮雨靴.


sea level 海平面

inundated 淹没

scores 数十人

mopping up 清整

repairs 修理

fund 专款/资金

widespread 遍及各地的

devastating 灾难性的

ambitious 野心勃勃的

floodgates 防洪门

inlets 入口/水湾

lagoon 环礁湖/泻湖

speeded up 加速

discount packages 优惠(促销)产品

wading boots 胶皮雨靴

Questions and Answers

1. True or False? Venice has seasonal flooding on a regular basis.


2. When was the worst flood in Venice’s history, and how high did the water go?

In 1966, flooding in Venice rose to nearly 2 metres.

3. How are the Venetian authorities trying to tackle the problem of flooding?

They are building floodgates around the city.

4. What free gift are hoteliers offering to tourists who brave the floods?

Free rubber boots like fishermen wear when they stand in a river.
