
   Apple’s market capitalisation rose to over $800bn for the first time.  苹果公司的市值首次突破8000亿美元。

  The company’s share price is up by 32% since the start of the year,  本年初,公司的股价增长了32%,
  buoyed in part by renewed investor interest in the tech industry amid doubts that boosts to the banking and manufacturing sectors promised by Donald Trump will come to fruition.  维持利润高水平的部分原因在于投资者重新对技术行业产生兴趣,并且对唐纳德·特朗普促进银行业和制造业的发展的承诺将很快得以实现感到质疑。
  The tech-heavy NASDAQ stockmarket index reached another high this week. 以技术股票为主的NASDAQ股指本周将达到新的高度。
  The first quarterly earnings report from Snap since it became a publicly listed company failed to impress.  Snap的报道称,自从成为上市公司以来苹果公司第一季度的收益并没有给人留下太多印象。
  The social network made a net loss of $2.2bn, but investors homed in on signs that the rate at which new users sign up is slowing:  社交网络净损失22亿美元,但投资者注意到了新用户注册率正在缓慢上升的迹象:
  it had 166m daily users in the first quarter, up by 5% from the previous quarter. 第一季度中平均每天有1.66亿用户,比前一季度增长了5%。
  In a deal that consolidates its already tight grip on local broadcasting in America, Sinclair, which owns 173 television stations, agreed to buy Tribune Media,  为巩固手里已有的美国本土广播公司,坐拥173个电视台的Sinclair同意购买Tribune Media
  which owns 42, including WGN America, a national network based in Chicago.  (该公司旗下有42个电视台,包括总部位于芝加哥的国家网络电视台美国WGN)。
  The Federal Communications Commission recently relaxed the rules on the ownership of local stations.  近期,联邦通信委员会放宽了地方台所有权的法律规则。
  Some think the $3.9bn deal will concentrate too much power in one broadcaster. 有人认为39亿的交易额会将过多的权力集中在一个广播公司手中。
  Bill Clinton is to make a foray into fiction by writing a novel with the help of James Patterson, a bestselling author.  在畅销书作者詹姆斯·帕特森的帮助下,比尔·克林顿尝试着写了一本小说。
  Unusually, the book will be sold by the two publishers that represent Messrs Clinton and Patterson.  不同寻常的是,这本书由代表克林顿和帕特森的两家出版商共同销售。
  Titled “The President is Missing” it is due in the shops next year.  该书的书名为《总统消失了》,预计下年会在各商店中销售。
  Whether it will be as wild as the real-life intrigue in the White House remains to be seen. 这本书是否会像白宫里的现实生活中那样波橘云诡?是否会十分有趣?值得期待。