英语听力精选进阶版 7088(在线收听

Background: 美国佛罗里达州一位商人制造了一起飞机失事假死案,不过他已经被当地警察发现。Marcus Schrenker早前被起诉诈骗投资者交给他投资的数百万美元资金,在医院接受治疗后,他现在已经被警察拘留。据说Marcus在飞机上发出一个假的紧急呼救信号后跳伞让飞机自行飞行,最后飞机坠落到了一片狭长的沼泽地里。

Desperate to escape a possible jail sentence 监狱判决 after his business collapsed, the authorities are now convinced that 38-year-old Marcus Schrenker faked 假的 his own death in a plane crash.

It’s thought the Indiana businessman parachuted 降落伞 out of his own company plane before speeding off 迅速离开 on a motorcycle he'd hidden in the Pine Barrens of central Alabama.

When two military jets were scrambled (战斗机或飞行员)紧急升空 to help the experienced pilot all they found was his plane flying on autopilot 无人驾驶.

It eventually crashed 坠落 in the Florida panhandle 狭长地带. Now the police in northern Florida say they have the businessman in custody 拘留.

Mr Schrenker is facing possible charges of securities fraud 金融诈骗 and had just been ordered by a court to pay out half a million dollars.

He's been accused 被指控 by investors 投资商 of stealing millions of dollars in savings.


jail sentence 监狱判决

faked 假装

parachuted 降落伞

speeding off 迅速离开

scrambled (战斗机或飞行员)紧急升空

autopilot 无人驾驶

crashed 坠落

panhandle 狭长地带

in custody 拘留

securities fraud 金融诈骗

accused 被指控

investors 投资商

Questions and Answers

1. Why did Marcus Schrenker fake his own death? 

To escape going to jail for fraud.

2. What was his plan?

To pretend to have died in a plane crash.

3. What did the jet pilots discover when they flew alongside his plane? 

It was empty and flying on autopilot.

4. Where is Marcus Schrenker now?

He is being held by the Florida police.
