英语听力精选进阶版 7092(在线收听

Background: 在英国,有些人喜欢用金属探测器来探寻古藏,但英国政府历史环境机构顾问的官员说使用不合法的金属探测器,又称为夜鹰行为是违法的抢夺英国现存的无价之宝。他们准备发起一系列抗议活动促使此问题得到相关部门的进一步重视。

For many, it's a gentle hobby 嗜好 involving fresh air, patience, and perhaps finding the odd coin left from times gone by 过去的日子.

Indeed, the report accepts the vast majority of metal detectorists 使用金属探测器的人, as they are known, are responsible and report their finds.

But there are a small minority who loot 掠夺 ancient sites and sell the proceeds to the highest bidder 出价人, sometimes using violence against anyone who discovers them.

According to the experts, nighthawkers 夜鹰(这里指晚上出动用金属探测器寻宝的人) are often very organised, targeting protected sites 受保护的地带 across the country.

In one field in Suffolk, more than 200 holes were dug, destroying not only the crops 农作物,庄稼, but invaluable archaeological evidence 考古证据 which had yet to be assessed 估值,核实 by the experts.

Responsible metal detectorists point out the authorities do not help matters by placing the location of recently reported finds on the Internet.


hobby 嗜好

times gone by 过去的日子

metal detectorists 使用金属探测器的人

loot 掠夺

bidder 出价人

nighthawkers 夜鹰(这里指晚上出动用金属探测器寻宝的人)

protected sites 受保护的地带

crops 农作物,庄稼

archaeological evidence 考古证

assessed 估值,核实

Questions and Answers

1. What is metal detecting? 

Using a machine to look for metal objects under the ground.

2. What do most metal detectorists do with the historical objects they find?

They report what they have found to the appropriate authorities.

3. What damage was caused by nighthawkers in Suffolk? 

Crops and archaeological objects were destroyed.

4. How have the authorities added to the problem?

By reporting archaeological finds on the internet.
