经济学人:一周要闻 三菱汽车油耗测试造假股价一度跳楼 欧盟反垄断斗争开辟新战线(在线收听

   The world this week-Business 本周经济要闻

  The European Union opened up a new front in its antitrust battle with Google by accusing the company of using the dominant position of its Android operating system in the smartphone market to limit competition.  欧盟在针对谷歌的反垄断斗争中开辟了一条新战线,它指控谷歌在智能手机市场上利用对安卓操作系统的支配地位来限制竞争。
  The EU is focused on the strict licensing rules that Google imposes on smartphone-makers—for example, requiring them to pre-install its Chrome browser as a condition of licensing some Google apps.  欧盟专注于谷歌针对智能手机生产商实行严厉的安卓许可规则—例如,要求他们预装谷歌的Chrome浏览器,作为允许使用某些谷歌应用的条件。
  Google, which has a few months to respond, pointed out that apps for Facebook, Amazon and others are also usually pre-installed on phones. 谷歌需在数月内作出应对。该公司指出,脸谱、亚马逊及其他公司的应用也通常预装在手机之中。
  The deadline passed for potential buyers of Yahoo to submit their offers.  雅虎的潜在收购方提交出价的最后期限已过。
  Verizon, America's biggest wireless telecom firm, is said to be leading the field of contenders.  据闻,美国最大的无线电信公司威瑞讯(Vorizon)在竞价者中属于领跑者。
  Marissa Mayer, Yahoo's chief executive, responded to investor criticisms that the process was slow and disorderly by saying that the huge interest shown by the suitors was humbling. 雅虎的首席执行官马利沙·梅耶对投资者们批评并购进展缓慢而无序作出回应,声称有意收购方展现的巨大兴趣是令人羞恼的。
  Intel decided to cut 12,000 jobs worldwide, 11% of its workforce, as it rejects its business to focus more on powering cloud-computing services and less on making chips for PCs, which still account for 60% of its sales. 英特尔公司决定在全球削减1.2万个工作岗位,占到其员工总数的11%。该公司正在进行结构调整,将更多精力集中于支持云计算服务,减少计算机芯片生产方面的投入,而后者仍占其销售额的60%。
  A mooted freeze in oil output among most of the world's big producers was scuppered when talks collapsed in Doha, the Qatari capital.  在卡塔尔首都多哈的谈判破裂,世界上绝大多数石油生产大国之间有争议的固定产量协议就此崩溃。
  Saudi Arabia walked away when Iran, which only recently regained full access to international oil markets, refused to attend.  伊朗最近才重获国际石油市场的进入权,该国拒绝加入限产计划之后,沙特阿拉伯随即退出谈判。
  Russia had joined the Saudis to call for a freeze in output in order to ease the current glut and thus boost oil prices, the collapse of which has hammered oil-producing economies.  俄罗斯原本联合沙特呼吁固定产量,以缓解当前的过度供应,进而刺激油价上涨。油价暴跌已经使石油生产国的经济遭受打击。
  Oil workers in Kuwait achieved what the negotiators in Doha could not when they went on strike for three days, which helped lift prices. 科威特的石油工人则取得了多哈谈判方未能取得的成就,他们持续罢工三日,已助推油价有所上升。
  Underscoring the effects of cheaper oil, Saudi Arabia turned to international creditors for the first time since 1991, raising 10 billion in loans over five years to help cover its budget shortfall.  沙特阿拉伯自1991年起向国际债权人求助,5年内筹集了100亿美元的贷款来帮助其覆盖预算缺口,这凸现了石油价格下跌的效应。
  A Dutch court approved Russia's application to set aside a $50 billion arbitration award to former shareholders of Yukos, a forcibly nationalised oil company.  荷兰一家法院批准了俄罗斯的申请,留出500亿美元的仲裁奖励金给尤科斯公司的前任股东们,这家公司已经被强制国有化。
  The court ruled that the arbitration panel had lacked jurisdiction in the case.  该法院裁决,当时负责的仲裁小组在该案中并不具备管辖权限。
  The dispossessed former owners plan to appeal. 被剥夺所有权的前股东们计划上诉。