新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson7:NET SURFING网上冲浪(在线收听

91. I need to downloadv some lessons for class.
92. My connectionw is too slow.
93. I’ll get off in a couple of minutes.
94. This internetx bar is too expensive.
95. I need to go to a news websitey .
96. One of my friends has its own website.
97. What is your e-mail address?
98. Do you have e-mail?
99. My serverz is having problems this morning.
100. It is difficult to get some foreign websites in China.
101. You can find a lot of information on the internet that is free.
102. What are you doing on the internet that takes so long?
103. Sometimes I just like surfing the net.
104. There are many things on the internet that are inappropriate{ for a boy your age.
105. Well, the internet is becoming available| all over the world.  People are using it for business, education and just for fun.

1. net surfing                                                       网上冲浪
2. download                [5daunloud]     v.【计算机】下载
3. connection              [kE5nekFEn]    n.连接;联络;衔接
4. internet             [5IntEnet]       [计算机][国际]英特网,互联网;信息网络实体
5. website            [5web7sait]      n.【计算机】网站(全球信息网的主机站)
6. server              [5sE:vE]         [计算机] 服务程序;服务器;服务员
7. inappropriate                   [7inE5prEupriit]   a. 不适当的
8. available          [E5veilEbl]       a. 可得到的,可买到的
