英语听力精选进阶版 7145(在线收听

Background: 世界上最具影响力的自然保护慈善机构发起了一项宣传活动,希望在2022年让全球的老虎总数翻倍。作为十三个有野生老虎国家之一的尼泊尔展开了一系列措施以确保它们的繁衍。

To coincide with the start of the Chinese Year of the Tiger, the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has launched a campaign to increase the number of tigers living in the wild.

The organisation estimates that there are currently only 3,200 wild tigers left in the world and that these are under threat from habitat loss, the illegal trade in tiger products and climate change.

It says that the global habitat for the animals has decreased by 40% since the last Year of the Tiger in 1998.

Nepal, which is home to 121 adult tigers, is one of the countries targeted by the campaign.

Conservationists describe Nepal as a global crossroads with the trade in tiger parts.

In recent years the number of tigers in the west of the country has plummeted, prompting the Nepalese government to establish a new national park, and set up a bureau to control poaching.

The WWF says it welcomes these initiatives and hopes that Nepal will be able to double its tiger population by 2022, the next Chinese Year of the Tiger.

Glossary 词汇表

World Wildlife Fund 世界野生动物基金会 

campaign 宣传活动 

under threat 受到威胁 

illegal trade 非法买卖 

global habitat 全球动物的栖息地 

conservationists 天然资源保护论者 

plummeted 急剧减少 

prompting 促使 

bureau 联络处,办事处 

poaching 偷猎 

initiatives 倡议

Questions and Answers

1. What does the WWF want to do? 

Increase the number of tigers living in the wild.

2. How many wild tigers are there left in the wild? 

According to the WWF there are 3,200 tigers living in the wild.

3. How many tigers does Nepal have? 


4. What has the Nepalese government done to increase the number of tigers? 

Established a new national park.
