
   I mean she was supervised.But you know, they have her doing advanced procedures. 我是说 她是在指导下做的 但是 他们居然让她做这些高级手术

  Yeah, well it's good to know.If we need something like that done.Stella has done that already. 其实是好事 如果以后需要有人做那样的事 斯特拉就能做了
  She needs to decide what she wants to be,an orthopedic surgeon or an emergency room doctor. 她必须要决定她以后的职业方向 是当整形外科医生还是急救科医生
  She needs to nail it down.Yeah. Right now. 她需要做出选择 没错 就现在
  I mean, seriously. She's confusing me. - Before she is six. 我是说 她真的把我搞糊涂了 -人家还没满6岁
  Well, We have a gift for her.So that when she goes on set,she can dress like that. 我们给她准备了一份礼物 以后她去片场的时候 就可以这样穿
  And then, she has little I'm sure she already has. 然后 她有小的...我觉得她可能已经有了
  No. She is gonna love it.Thank you so much.She is gonna go crazy. 没有 她肯定会爱上这件衣服的 太谢谢你了 她会激动疯了去
  Her name's on there.Oh, my goodness.Stop it.Dr. Stella.  上面还有她的名字 哦 天呐 真的假的 斯特拉医生
  So cute.That's adorable. 太可爱了 可爱到爆了
  Thank you, Ellen. - You are welcome Sorry I didn't think about a drill to give her. But... 谢谢你 艾伦  -甭客气 抱歉啊 我没想到送个骨钻给她
  No. And the, and the rhinestones.I mean, that's really, Yeah,right up her alley. - it's fancy.I know. 这还有人造钻石 这真的  -是的 -正是她想要的 -很好看 没错
  She's gonna love it. Thank you. -You are welcome.  她一定会喜欢的 谢谢你  -别客气
  Uh Grey's Anatomy are Thursday's night at eight on ABC". And we come back.We are gonna play a game.Ellen and I. 实习医生格蕾"每周四晚八点在ABC台播出 我们稍后回来 艾伦和我 会玩个小游戏
  And it's a game that some people in the audience will win the huge price.Yes. 这个游戏能让 一些观众有机会赢得大奖 相信我