英语听力精选进阶版 7170(在线收听

Background:英国人看到自己的父亲跳舞,总会感到有些尴尬,难为情。所以短语 dad dancing 也就被英国人用来形容让人看了不舒服的,笨拙的舞步。来自英格兰西北部诺桑比亚大学的几位科学家最新的研究结果将为我们解答什么舞姿能吸引女性?

The researchers asked young men to dance in a laboratory to a very basic drum rhythm. Their dances were played back to a group of women who rated them on a scale of one to seven.

The researchers had expected that the movement of arms, legs and hands would be important as they can often convey expressive gestures.

But instead they found that there was a greater focus on the torso, neck and the head. And higher ratings were given for variation and mixing up dance moves.

What went down badly though were twitchy and repetitive movements – often called 'dad dancing'.

The researchers also found from blood tests on the dancers that those who had good moves were in better physical condition. And so, as is the case with courtship rituals with wild animals, dancing ability may well be a way of assessing a suitable mate.

Glossary 词汇表

drum rhythm 鼓点 

to play back 回放 

to rate 打分评价 

to convey 表达 

expressive 富于个人表情的 

torso 躯干 

variation 多变的 

to mix up 混合的 

to go down 被… 接受 

twitchy 抽搐的,抽动的 

repetitive 重复的 

physical condition 身体状态,体能 

courtship ritual 求偶行为 

suitable mate 适合的配偶

Questions and Answers

How were dance styles assessed? 

Young men's dancing was played back to a group of women who rated them.

Did the researchers discover what they were expecting? 

No, they didn't. They had thought that the movement of arms, legs and hands would be more important.

True or false: To dance well a man should move his upper body. 

True. Men should move their torsos.

What might be the reason women find some dancing more attractive than other kinds? 

The researchers think 'good' dancing is an indicator of good health, so it helps women find suitable partners.
