
   And Seal and Heidi Klum were still together.They were the last one. We started to turn the lights on. 那时候希尔和海蒂·克拉姆还在一起 他们留到了最后 然后我们把灯开开

  We started, like... We start... Take a hint.We turned the music off.Unbelievable, - It was, they. 我们开灯 就像 我们要...我懂你意思了 我们把音乐也关了 难以置信  是啊 他们
  Did they have to get the rude.No, but they realized suddenly they were the last one. 不用对他们这么狠吧 不 但他们立刻发现人都走完了就剩下他们
  There was no music,Oh we are the last, right. - And the lights were on. 没有音乐 原来就剩我们了  灯都开着
  Yeah, and I was in pajamas,so I, I was just like.Yeah. It's awkward. Awkward!I like to go to bed early by myself, so. 我当时穿着睡衣 所以 我就像个. 是啊 太尴尬了 好窘 我自己也想早点睡觉 所以
  Do you really? - Yeah, I go to, early, like ten.Do you read when you get in bed?Uh, sometimes, yes. 真的吗 是啊 我很早 十点左右就睡了 你上床后会看书吗 有时候会
  I like to build a little window to read.It's so OCD. It's really over the top. - Uh-huh. 我会设置好小窗口再看书 太强迫症了 真的很夸张  -是吗
  No, there's nothing wrong with reading before you go to bed. 睡前看书又没什么不对的
  That's not OCD. - Well, I mean...scheduling a window 这又不是强迫症  -我是说 设定好一个提示时间的窗口
  of time you go "I need bossily by nine,so I should be in bed by eight. 写明"我九点前需要睡着 "所以我要在八点到床上"
  I mean it just makes me tired to talking about it. - Yeah. Right. 再说我都烦了  -好吧
  But I do wanna congratulate you on the star on the Walk of Fame.Oh, thank you! That's a big deal.Well, oh, thank you. 不过我要真心祝贺你 留名星光大道 太谢谢你了  那真的很了不起 谢谢
  Um, I will tell you something very funny.Couple of days before I began to panic. 我要说件很搞笑的事情 前些天 那时我还没觉得紧张
  I've been very busy and... it's the kind of thing. 我一直很忙 就那种感觉
  Well, anyway, just you don't know what to think about,what do I do, suddenly I realize "Oh, I've gotta talk. 反正就是想不出来 我做了什么 我突然想到 "我得说些什么啊"