英语听力精选进阶版 7195(在线收听


The colour olive green is the latest weapon in the ongoing battle between the Australian government and big tobacco. Under aggressive new proposals, billed as the toughest in the world, every packet of cigarettes sold in Australia would be packaged in that colour after research showed that olive green was the most off-putting for smokers.

Logos and any form of distinct branding would be completely banned. Instead, the brand names would appear in a standard size and font, making them as bland and anonymous as possible. A greater area of the packaging would also be taken up with grotesque pictures of cancerous tumours and the health effects of tobacco.

Claiming a global first, the Australian government says it wants to remove any remaining glamour from cigarettes, but the big tobacco companies have questioned the legality of the legislation.

Worried about the possible worldwide knock-on effects of Australia introducing such stringent regulations, they've vowed to put up a fight - saying the new measures infringe international trademark and intellectual property laws.

Glossary 词汇表

proposal 提议 

off-putting 令人扫兴的 

branding 标牌 

anonymous 匿名的/不见出处的 

grotesque 怪异的 

glamour 光彩 

legislation 立法 

knock-on effect 连锁反应 

stringent regulations 严厉的规定 

to infringe 违反

Questions and Answers

1. True or false? Under the new proposals, cigarette packets would be dark red in colour. 

False. They would be olive green.

2. Why would the branding on the new cigarette packets be displayed in a standard size and font? 

To make the packets as bland and anonymous as possible.

3. What would cover a larger area of the packets? 

Pictures of cancerous tumours and the health effects of tobacco.

4. What do the tobacco companies say the new regulations would infringe on? 

International trademark and intellectual property laws.
