英语听力精选进阶版 7200(在线收听

太平洋岛国萨摩亚希望能通过调整其所在时区而促进本国商业贸易。萨摩亚目前与其最重要交易伙伴之一澳大利亚之间相差21小时。此次调整时区预计从2011年底开始执行。以下是来自 Mike Wooldridge 的报道。

When Samoa put itself on the east side of the international dateline back in 1892, it was apparently to do same-day business with Californian traders across the Pacific.

Now the main trading partners are nearby New Zealand and Australia and countries in East Asia.

But on Sunday when Samoans are in church, cities such as Sydney and Brisbane are already into Monday and the new working week.

And while Samoans are still doing business on Friday, Australians and New Zealanders have already begun their weekend.

There will be a price to pay: Samoa markets itself as the last place on earth to witness each day's sunset.

But to compensate, the prime minister has another proposition for those who enjoy travel curiosities.

By making a flight of less than an hour from the US territory of American Samoa, which isn't moving across the dateline, it will be possible to celebrate the same day twice - and on the same date, have two birthdays, two anniversaries or even two weddings.

Mike Wooldridge, BBC News

Glossary 词汇表

the international dateline 国际日期变更线 

same-day business 同日交易 

a trader 商人 

in church 去教堂礼拜 

into Monday 进入星期一 

a price to pay 付出代价 

to compensate 补偿,弥补 

a proposition 提议 

a travel curiosity 旅行的好奇心 

an anniversary 纪念日

Questions and Answers

1. True or false? If Samoa changes its time zone, US Samoa will also need to change. 

False. US Samoa will not have to change its time zone.

2. True or false? Samoa will be ahead of US Samoa if the planned time zone change takes place. 

True. Samoa will cross the international dateline, while US Samoa will remain in an earlier time zone.

3. At present, if people in Samoa are in church, what is happening in Sydney and Brisbane? 

People in Sydney and Brisbane are going to work. When it is Sunday in Samoa, it is Monday on the east coast of Australia.

4. How will people be able to celebrate the same date twice in Samoa? 

US Samoa is not planning to change its time zone. If people fly from Samoa to US Samoa, they will be able to finish the day in both countries.
