英语听力精选进阶版 7224(在线收听

Background: 土耳其足协尝试着举办了一次不同寻常的球赛,参赛球队都曾经因为行为不佳而受到过惩罚,而观众则一律为妇女和儿童。这场在土耳其首都伊斯坦布尔举行的 球赛气氛非凡。参赛队包括土耳其顶级球队费内巴切足球俱乐部。

Turkish football fans are famed for their raucous passion, and the Turkish Football Federation punishes violent behaviour by making the team play without an audience. But from this week they have moderated that rule, to allow women and children to watch sanctioned matches.

Last night the first such game, at the stadium of the top team Fenerbahce, was attended by an unexpectedly large crowd of 41,000 women and children.

The players said they approved of the changed atmosphere, where, instead of the usual war-like chanting, there were flowers and applause for both teams.

The Federation changed its rules because it's expecting more crowd trouble this season, following the exposure of a big match-fixing scandal.

Turkish television companies, which rely heavily on football for revenue, were worried they would lose subscribers if too many games were played in empty stadiums.

Glossary 词汇表

to be famed for 以什么而著名的 

raucous 吵闹的;喧嚣的 

violent behaviour 暴力行为 

to moderate 修改,调整 

sanctioned 受到惩罚的 

war-like chanting 如同开战一般的齐声叫喊 

a match-fixing scandal 内定比赛结果的丑闻 

to rely heavily on 严重依赖于 

revenue 收入 

a subscriber 订阅者,定购者


1. What rule was made less rigid? 

The rule which punishes fans' violent behaviour by making their team play without an audience.

2. True or false? The crowd at the Fenerbache game was smaller than organisers had hoped for. 

False. The crowd was "unexpectedly large".

3. Why was the Turkish Federation expecting more bad behaviour inside stadiums? 

The audience could be angry after news of scandals where the result of games was agreed in advance.

4. True or false? Turkish TV channels were worried they'd lose money.

True. According to the report, they were worried they might lose subscribers if too many matches were played in empty stadiums.
